2018 LSHOF Golf Outing set for Aug. 5
It’s time to sign up for the annual Lorain Sports Hall of Fame Golf Outing. The 2018 outing will be held on Sunday, Aug. 5, at the Fox Creek Golf Club, 5445 Beavercrest Dr., Lorain.
It’s an 8 a.m. shotgun start for the foursomes event. Cost is $75 per person, which includes 18 holes of golf, a cart and refreshments, plus lunch at the turn, and a steak dinner afterward.
Hole sponsorships are available for $60 and are a great way to promote your business or organization.
You can download a registration form and information flyer by clicking this link. Otherwise, to sign up, or get more information, call Bambi Dillon at 440-989-6539, Jim Turton at 440-225-9555 or Ron Feldkamp at 440-244-3449.
We look forward to another great day of golf with you on Aug. 5!
Posted June 19, 2018
McCardle, Schrenkel, Williams, Sturgill 2018 Uland winners
Posted June 8, 2018
Posted May 19, 2018
Posted May 19, 2018
It’s 2018 Enshrinement Banquet Day!
… And the community takes notice of the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame:
By Fuad Shalhout, The Morning Journal
British band Queen poses the question in one of its most famous songs, “Who wants to live forever?”
I mean, who wouldn’t?
But only a select few actually do live forever.
With the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame ceremony taking place on May 19 at German’s Villa, former local athletes, coaches and historically great teams will cement themselves in Lorain lore.
Posted May 19, 2018
Museum Open House brings past alive
A recent Open House at the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame Museum at Lorain High School drew visitors, including this Lorain softball legend, Julie Andrews, who was enshrined in 1976.

Julie Andrews, a 1976 Lorain Sports Hall of Fame inductee and softball legend, is seen with her plaque in the LSHOF Museum at Lorain High School at the April 10, 2018, museum Open House.
Here’s a link to her page in the Past Inductees section of our website.
Posted April 24, 2018
Great news for Lorain, indeed!
Posted April 16, 2018
LSHOF salutes the Lorain High Titans
We salute the Lorain High Titans for putting the boys basketball team in Ohio’s Final Four for the first time. The Titans’ 22-6 season ended today with a hard-fought 51-44 loss to No. 2 Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller (26-3). Next season can’t get here soon enough. Go Titans!
Posted March 23, 2018
LSHOF banquet talk on the airwaves
With the 2018 LSHOF Enshrinement Banquet fast approaching, Banquet Chairman Tom Bauer helped to spread the news in an interview on AM 930 WEOL’s Bull’s Eye on the Afternoon sports talk show. The conversation reviewed all the new enshrinees who will join the Hall of Fame on Saturday, May 19, 2018, at German’s Villa in Vermilion. You can listen to the interview at this link. For ticket information, contact Ron Feldkamp at 440-244-3449 or Tom Bauer at 440-213-8719 or by email at tbauer0403@gmail.com.
Posted March 5, 2018
Need a speaker? Call the LSHOF Speakers Bureau
The Lorain Sports Hall of Fame’s Speakers Bureau can provide your organization with a fascinating talk, including Powerpoint presentation. Learn how the LSHOF celebrates the best in Lorain’s athletic achievement at the high school, college and professional sports levels.
Find out about our Museum located at Lorain High School, our annual enshrinement program and the scholarships we provide.
To schedule an LSHOF speaker, just call Bambi Dillon at 440-989-6539. We look forward to talking with your group!
Posted Feb. 23, 2018
LSHOF proud to announce 2018 enshrinees
The Lorain Sports Hall of Fame proudly announces its 2018 Class of Enshrinees. The group will be enshrined at the LSHOF banquet on Saturday, May 19, 2018, at German’s Villa. Tickets will go on sale at the beginning of March. For ticket information, contact Ron Feldkamp at 440-244-3449 or Tom Bauer at 440-213-8719 or by email at tbauer0403@gmail.com.
The 2018 enshrinees are as follows:
Regular Category
Jerry Evans — Football Admiral King 1986, Toledo University, Denver Broncos
Lebron Gladden — Basketball, Admiral King 1986, Ashland University
James Janasko — Swimming, Lorain Catholic 1976, College of Wooster
Daniel King — Football, Wrestling, St. Edward 1995, Bowling Green University
Frank Komar — Football, Baseball, Lorain Senior 1978, Ohio University
Anthony Miller — Baseball, Football, Wrestling, Southview 1998, Toledo University, Colorado Rockies
Senior Category
William McPhie, Football & Coaching
Football: St. Marys & Lorain Catholic 1970, Defiance College
Coaching: Brookside
Jim Uszynski, Football & Coaching
Football: Clearview 1964, Muskingum
Coaching: Columbia, North Ridgeville, Lorain
Special Category
Steve Stohla, Football & Coaching
Football: Admiral King 1965, Baldwin-Wallace College
Coaching: Football & Swimming, Sandusky, Massillon, Wynford, Hiedelberg College, Portsmouth
1988 Lorain Girls Track Team Coached by Mark Robbins
Congratulations to all our new enshrinees! Take a look at local sports news coverage of their enshrinement announcement.
Posted Feb. 22, 2018
A big thank-you from LSHOF!
A big thank-you to Coach Dave McFarland and his young men of the Lorain High School football program who were a great help to the LSHOF by serving and cleaning tables at our annual steak fry on Feb. 18! And, of course, a big thanks to all who helped and all who attended the steak fry, which supports our J. Ed Uland Scholarships.
Posted Feb. 21, 2018
(Photo courtesy of www.lorainathletics.org)
LSHOF Steak Fry Feb. 18 to benefit scholarships
Get your tickets now for the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame’s annual Steak Fry, to be held Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018, in the Amherst Eagles Aerie 1442 at 1161 Milan Ave., Amherst, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Steak fry profits will benefit the LSHOF J. Ed Uland Scholarship fund. Tickets are $25 each, with $5 of the cost going to a 50/50 raffle. Childrens’ meals can be purchased off the Eagles menu.
To buy tickets, or for information, please call Bambi Dillon at 440-989-6539.
Posted Jan. 18, 2018
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