Nomination Process
It’s nomination time for 2025 LSHOF enshrinement
Sept. 30, 2024, is the deadline for nominating Lorain athletes you think are worthy of induction into the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame. The nomination form is comprehensive and takes time to complete, so don’t wait. You can find eligibility rules and links to download nomination forms below on this page. The next enshrinement will take place in May 2025.
Updated Jan. 23, 2024
Eligibility Rules for the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame
The following guidelines shall be used by the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame Committee in the judging and selection of applicants for candidacy in the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame.
- Eligibility for nominations shall be limited to those athletes and service nominees who qualify under one following guidelines.
- Lorainites and others who may or may not reside in Lorain, but who attended those public or private high schools located within the Lorain city limits and who have achieved sports fame at those recognized high schools and/or at another sports level. Recognized schools are Lorain Senior, Admiral King, Southview, St. Mary, Lorain Catholic, Clearview, and North Coast Christian.
- Lorainites and others who may or may not currently reside in Lorain, but who resided in Lorain through their high school years while attending a high school other than those located within the city limits and who achieved sports fame at those other high schools and/or at another sports level.
- Those Lorainites who do not qualify under 1a or 1b above, but who have achieved fame at some sports level after taking up residence in Lorain, and who continued to reside in Lorain during or after that achievement for at least 10 years at the time of their selection.
- Those who do not meet the residence requirements under a, b, or c, but who has been active in the Lorain sports scene for a period of at least 20 years and whose outstanding performance or leadership in the area of sports warrants consideration in the Special Category.
- There shall be no restrictions related to education, religion, sex, race, or nationality.
- The nominee must be at least 35 years of age on or before December 31st of the year in which the application is submitted. If the nominee is deceased, the application cannot be submitted until the year he/she would have reached the age of 35 had he/she lived. The birth date of the nominee must be entered on the application blank.
- Awards shall cover all phases of competitive athletic participation such as: Baseball, basketball, football, bowling, boxing, golf, hockey, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, wrestling, etc.
- Applicant must have gained sufficient local, area, state, national or international recognition and achievement, so as to be accepted as a respected nomination by the general public. Unique accomplishments shall also be considered in the selection of candidates.
- Applicant must have a good record of continuous good moral character.
- Anyone shall be given the opportunity to submit applications at any time for consideration to the Lorain Sports Hall of Fame. All applications must be submitted on the official Nomination Application Form.
To allow for proper consideration of all applications, only those received prior to September 30 of any year will be processed and judged for the next induction class.